How Does CBD Help Your Horse?

Forms Of CBD
Forms Of CBD
Working Of CBD
Working Of CBD

The scientific community is finding a new health benefit for CBD oil every day. With the rapid increase in the popularity of CBD oil, more and more people are starting to realize that it is one of the most effective natural health supplements out there. People are now using CBD oil products for managing a variety of ailments. Since CBD possesses numerous therapeutic properties, many CBD users have wondered whether it could be beneficial for their pets.

Fortunately, studies are showing positive results for the use of CBD for cats, dogs, birds, and even horses. It was found that CBD can work the same in animals as it does in the human body. Keep on reading this article to find out how CBD can help in managing the health problems of your horse.

Working Of CBD In Horses

Horses, like all other mammals, possess an endocannabinoid system that helps in the regulation of several body functions. According to health experts, the endocannabinoid system contains cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids, which are naturally occurring cannabinoids. These endocannabinoids can bind with the cannabinoid receptors and trigger reactions in your body that can help in maintaining homeostasis.

Sometimes, our body may not produce enough endocannabinoids that can bind with the cannabinoid receptors, which can lead to physiological imbalance. Since cannabinoids like CBD are similar to the body’s endocannabinoids, they can also bind with the cannabinoid receptors and help in the smooth regulation of body functions.

Benefits Of CBD For Horses

Studies have found that giving CBD to horses can provide a lot of health benefits. According to vets, horses, like humans, also experience anxiety and stress and it is essential to ease their anxiety symptoms. Numerous studies have proven the ability of CBD to provide a calming effect. Even though studies on horses are limited, research on other animal subjects has been a success.

CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are well-known and it is one of the reasons why many people use it. Like cats and dogs, horses also suffer from several inflammatory disorders that can be treated using CBD. Some of the inflammatory conditions that affect horses are laminitis, desmitis, and arthritis.

In horses, gastric ulcers are a common condition. According to a recent survey, this condition affects more than 90% of thoroughbred racehorses. Because the digestive system has a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors, CBD can have an impact in managing gastric ulcers.