Raw CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, the therapeutic and medically beneficial cannabinoid extracted especially from the hemp plant has been gaining popularity and products made using it are widely used by people. One of the most popular items is CBD oil, it is used by the majority of customers due to its flexibility in usage. However, many are unaware of the fact that there are two types of it namely, pure CBD oil and raw CBD oil. In fact, the majority of the products available in the market are the first type and it undergoes a heating process. You must be wondering ‘what is raw CBD oil?’; read on to know more.

What Is Raw CBD Oil?

Raw CBD oil is made using pure hemp extract that is not heat-treated and unfiltered, hence it will be rich in raw cannabinoids like cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) in addition to CBD. It is the acidic form of cannabidiol and has a higher affinity to the cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). On heating, CBDA is converted to CBD and this process is called decarboxylation. Besides, it is rich in terpenes, fatty acids, and other phytocannabinoids naturally found in the hemp plant. Because of this, the well-known entourage effect is more profound in raw CBD oil.

How Is Raw CBD Oil Made?

As mentioned in the introduction, there is no heating process involved in making raw CBD oil. The popular CO2 hemp extract preferred by manufacturers is used for making it and it is a full-spectrum product with the entourage effect. Because no heat is used, it keeps all the terpenes, fatty acids, vitamins, phytocannabinoids like CBC, CBN, and CBG intact. Apart from this, if they are using federally permissible hemp strain it will also have 0.3% of THC which is psychotropic. The two biggest advantages of the CO2 extraction method are its high yield and highly pure hemp extract.

What Does Raw CBD Oil Do?

Similar to pure CBD oil, raw CBD oil is useful because of CBDA’s effect on the ECS, so it has all the therapeutic and medical benefits that CBD is popular for. Using it promotes homeostasis, better immune system functioning, improves sleep, better bowel movement promotes cardiovascular health, and overall health benefits. Apart from this, since it has many of the hemp plant compounds in their natural form, it is also rich in nutritional value. However, it is not suitable for those who have sensitive stomachs and you must consult with the physician before consuming it.

These are the points that you must bear in mind when purchasing raw CBD oil and one of the best ways is to look for those made using CO2 hemp extract.