CBD For Body Acne

Acne is most common among teenagers, especially around puberty, and it can strike anyone at any age. Acne is a skin ailment caused by clogged hair follicles on your skin, especially on the face, resulting in white-headed or dark-headed outbreaks. The sebaceous glands that produce sebum in your skin are found in the largest concentration all-around face and upper body.

The buildup of bacteria, dead skin cells, excess production of sebum, medications, stress, and hormones are some of the most common causes of acne. Over 90% of the world’s population suffers from acne at some point during their lives. Despite being a widespread problem, it can be a secretive problem for certain people, affecting their psychological health and casting a pall over their social lives.

Latest studies have shown that CBD, the cannabinoid compound, has the ability to manage acne and other skin ailments. If you want to know how CBD could help manage acne, keep reading this article.

CBD For Acne

Because of its potential to regulate sebum production in the body, CBD oil may help to diminish various forms of acne. CBD oil is also anti-inflammatory, making it a viable acne therapy alternative. Sebum acts as a barrier between the skin and the elements. It can, however, clog pores when it comes into contact with dead skin cells, dirt, or other pollutants. Skin breakouts result from clogged pores that become irritated.

Researchers looked at CBD’s effects on human sebocytes in a 2014 study. Sebocytes produce sebum. CBD inhibited these cells from producing extra sebum, according to the researchers. They also found that CBD oil triggered an anti-inflammatory response in the cells, blocking the activation of inflammatory cytokines. Because cytokines can cause acne, lowering their levels can help prevent future breakouts.

CBD For Body Acne

Because body acne is caused by the same mechanisms as facial acne, CBD-rich products may be able to help reduce it. CBD is used in a variety of skincare products, including lotion, soaps, bath bombs, etc. Although CBD products aren’t particularly labeled as anti-acne, their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties may help.

Can CBD Help With Acne Scars?

Acne scars can develop when a pimple becomes inflamed and the skin picks at it. A recent study discovered that CBD-enriched ointment helps eliminate scars from psoriasis and other skin problems. The CBD therapy also improved the flexibility and moisture of the skin, according to the study.