CBD Dabbing

Dabbing is the newest trend in the CBD world-the method being one of the highly potent ones that deliver CBD into the bloodstream within a few minutes. The quality of an intake method is decided by its bioavailability, the term used to represent the percentage of CBD that reaches the bloodstream.


In dabbing, CBD concentrate is flash vaporized by placing it inside dabbing equipment like a dab rig or wax pen. The vapor generated is then inhaled. Low bioavailability is a limitation of various CBD products like CBD oils, tinctures, edibles, etc that creates a requirement for higher CBD doses.

It is not just the high bioavailability that contributes to the quality of CBD dabs but its fast-acting nature too has a role to play in the name it earned in the CBD market. It only takes about a few minutes for the CBD in CBD dabs to kick in after you use it.

Dabbing is similar to CBD vapes in many aspects but when the potency is compared, dabs are a better choice over vapes.

Dabbing Equipment

Depending on the type and function, dabbing equipment comes in different price ranges. Two of the most common dabbing equipment include:

Wax Vaporizers

Wax vaporizers including wax pens, dab vapes, dab pens, etc are powered by a battery that heats up the vaporizer coil to vaporize the concentrate placed inside the equipment.

Major components of wax pen include:

  • Battery – The battery that powers the dabbing equipment has connections with the heating coil.
  • Heating Coil – Heating coils are commonly made of quartz.
  • Mouthpiece – Mouthpiece can be a simple screw-on attachment or a glass water pipe.
  • Dabber – Dabber is a small wand made of metal that is used to place the concentrate onto the heating coil.

Dab Rig

A dab rig is more complex than that of wax vaporizers. The set of tools in a dab rig setup include:

  • Glass water pipe – It functions the same way as that of the bong.
  • Nail-The nail is made of quartz, titanium, or ceramic and the concentrate is placed on the nail for heating it.
  • Dome– Once the concentrate starts vaporizing, the dome is placed on top of the nail to prevent the vapors that might other ways escape from the nail.
  • Blow torch-The nail is heated using a blow torch.
  • Dabber– Dabber is the metallic wand used to place the concentrate on the nail.

If you have plans of starting the use of CBD dabs, make sure that you get the best CBD concentrates that have a high purity profile, and develop a clear idea about the right dabbing temperatures.