Type Of CBD Product

When something is not working for you, it’s difficult to trust in its power. You may have done everything right – you did your homework, looked at third-party lab results, and read reviews – but nothing happened.  If you are also one of the people who are not seeing any effects of CBD, it’s fair to feel disappointed, but there are ways to get out of it.

There are several possible reasons why CBD isn’t giving you the results you want. The good news is that with a few short changes, you’ll be on your way to enjoying CBD effects the way it was meant to be experienced.

The Brand You Choose

Quality is the most important aspect of this equation. Did you buy from a manufacturer that prioritizes quality? That alone makes a significant difference.  With thousands of CBD brands to choose from, it’s easy to get sidetracked by one that’s cutting shortcuts.

If you don’t have a lot of experience figuring out which businesses follow the regulations and which ones don’t, check to see if the CBD was extracted from organically cultivated hemp. You might also look at customer reviews to make sure that the majority of them are positive.

You May Need More Cannabinoids

The hemp plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids. When various cannabinoids are mixed, they have the potential to generate a wide range of effects by working synergistically. All of these non-psychoactive cannabinoids work in the same way. Even so, they each bring something special to the table. If you’ve been taking a CBD product that hasn’t been working for you, you may need to up the amount. Look for CBD oil products that include CBG, CBN, CBC, and other related compounds.

The Type Of CBD Product

As you learn more about CBD, you’ll notice that the bioavailability of each product is different. This relates to how quickly cannabis enters your blood and how fast they are absorbed by your body. Topicals, tinctures, edibles, and vapes are the most common product categories. Because CBD travels directly into your circulation through your lungs, vapes have the maximum bioavailability.

Since they are given sublingually and absorbed via tiny blood capillaries under the tongue, tinctures have the second-best bioavailability. Edibles take a bit longer to metabolize since they must pass through the digestive system, whereas CBD topicals never make it into your bloodstream.